Handling Paternity-Related Matters
Paternity law relates to cases in which a child is born to unmarried parents and the paternity of the child is at issues. Claimants in a paternity suit may include the mother, father or legal guardians such as grandparents. Establishing paternity is important not only to establish the child’s father, to ensure that the child is financially cared for, but also for medical and health reasons.
If you are involved in a paternity-related dispute — whether you are a mother, father, alleged father or grandparent — the attorneys at the Law Office of Dawn M. Green, can help.
To set up a consultation to discuss your legal options, please call our Annapolis office at +1-443-440-5871.
Understanding Paternity Suits
Paternity suits are filed to help the courts settle legal matters, such as:
- Child support obligations: If a father’s paternity is established through DNA testing, appropriate child support obligations will be established.
- Child custody and visitation rights: The father may demand legal visitation and parenting rights, unless parental rights have been terminated.
- Child support enforcement: It is important that you have an attorney at your side in child support enforcement.
- Other fathers’ rights and legal obligations: A man proven to be the father in a paternity action may have the right to petition the courts for custody and/or visitation of the child. The mother may also claim certain rights to hold the father to court-ordered obligations. If you have doubts about being the father of a child, we can help you arrange the appropriate tests to establish paternity.
At the Law Office of Dawn M. Green, we have the experience and the resources to help you resolve and understand your paternity issues. Whether you are the mother or guardian of a child fighting to prove paternity, or the father fighting for rights, attorney Dawn Green are ready to help.
Questions About A Paternity Case? Contact Us Today.
Call +1-443-440-5871 to schedule a consultation to discuss the specifics of your paternity law case. Or, send us an email through our online contact form.