Common wisdom suggests that couples in Maryland and throughout the country are happiest in the first few years of their marriages. As time goes on, this wisdom suggests that married couples start to lose interest in each other. However, this is not necessarily the case. According to a study of low-income couples in Los Angeles County, finances may have a role to play when it comes to marital satisfaction.
Furthermore, couples who are highly satisfied at the beginning of their marriages may be more likely to be satisfied as time goes on. Conversely, if a couple is not happy at the beginning of their marriage, they are more likely to experience a drop in satisfaction as the relationship progresses. However, the team that conducted the study found that men who weren’t happy in their marriages initially became more satisfied after being married for three to five years.
Women who weren’t happy in their marriages initially were unlikely to be any happier in the future. The researchers found that they were more likely to be at a socioeconomic disadvantage or otherwise find themselves in a risky relationship. Of the 431 couples surveyed, 60% said that they had high levels of satisfaction with their relationships. About 10% said that they had low levels of satisfaction with their marriages.
The end of a marriage can occur for a variety of reasons such as a lack of financial stability. Those who want to end their relationships may want to talk with an attorney prior to doing so in order to learn more about the process.