When married couples in Maryland come to the difficult decision to end their marriage, there exist countless opportunities for things to become contentious and adversarial. While the state of Maryland doesn’t require separation before a divorce, most couples go...
Potential issues associated with high-asset divorces
High-asset divorces in Maryland can present a range of complex issues that require careful consideration between the former life partners. These divorces involve couples who have significant assets, investments and business interests, potentially making the...
What to do with a joint bank account during divorce
When couples in Maryland decide to divorce, they must address their finances. One of the issues they need to tackle is what to do with joint bank accounts. Usually, spouses should close the joint bank account after withdrawing and dividing the funds. Either way, the...
Law Office of Dawn M. Green,
has been Nominated and Accepted as 2015 AIOFLA’S 10 Best Law Firm in Maryland For Client Satisfaction