When a Maryland couple chooses to end their marriage, a large part of that process will involve negotiating the division of marital wealth. The early stages of property division include a full disclosure of assets. After all, spouses cannot negotiate how to divvy up...
Popularity plays little role in the best interest of the child
Maryland parents who are preparing for a child custody case should take the time to consider how their relationship with their child is defined. When families are intact, both parents often share in the duties of creating and enforcing the rules by which their...
Obtaining legal custody of a foster child can be a challenge
For one family in a southern state, the struggle to adopt a relative's baby has ended in heartbreak. The couple claims that they were misled by workers from their state's Division of Family and Children's Services (DFCS). They believed that they would be able to gain...
Graduation is no time for child custody tension
As summer grows near, families all across Maryland are preparing to celebrate graduation. When a child receives his or her diploma, the event marks more than just the culmination of their secondary education; it is also symbolic of the transition from childhood into...
Addressing a mortgage during a Maryland divorce
When a Maryland couple decides to end their marriage, one of the primary concerns is often what to do with the family home. The most financially sound decision is usually to sell the home and divide the proceeds, but many spouses feel strong attachments to their homes...
Law Office of Dawn M. Green,
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