You do not need anyone telling you that divorce can be incredibly difficult when children are involved. But one possible challenge you may not expect involves having to deal with an uncooperative spouse who constantly threatens to take the kids away.
It can be comforting to remember that modern family courts recognize the importance of parental involvement and rarely separate children from either parent completely. It could be that your spouse is trying to scare you into staying married or giving something up in the divorce. Or they could simply be a bully and it’s time to seek legal guidance accordingly.
Focus on facts, not threats
As is so in other states, Maryland judges prioritize the best interests of the child when determining custody in litigated family law scenarios. That means your spouse cannot take your children away simply through threats. They would need to prove that you pose a threat to your children’s safety or well-being in order to limit your parental access and/or rights.
Empty threats vs. real concerns
While statements and comments about influencing child custody matters are generally baseless, some behavioral threats do deserve attention. For example, if your spouse’s threats to turn your children against you (parental alienation) are acted upon, it can have long-term emotional consequences for everyone, especially your children.
Additionally, if your spouse makes plausible hints that they plan to abduct the kids, possibly removing them from the state or country, this is a matter to discuss with your divorce representative right away.
Don’t let fear paralyze you
You need not be a prisoner of fear during your divorce, and such constant stress may even affect your decision-making. Access to accurate information combined with experienced legal support can help you take charge of your circumstances. A proactive approach may also deter your spouse from making additional threats.