If you are going through a divorce, you may have a hard time telling your family and friends about your breakup. Divorce, after all, is a family law topic that is quite unlike marriage; we rarely send "save the date" cards for our impending splits. Now, innovators in...
Co-parenting through the new school year
The new school year is looming in Maryland and elsewhere. As newly divorced parents attempt to iron out the details of their child custody agreements, they are bound to experience some miscommunication and general difficulty. Experts say you should not be discouraged...
Are you ready to date after your divorce?
After you go through your Maryland divorce, you may begin fielding questions from friends and family members about your dating life. You are probably not even sure where to start dating, or you may not feel emotionally secure enough to share yourself with someone...
DNA paternity testing goes mobile
A new traveling paternity test service in Baltimore, Maryland, has created a stir by performing tests out of its mobile clinic. In an age of ever-present DNA testing, paternity tests for child support purposes is becoming increasingly profitable, prompting more...
Law Office of Dawn M. Green,
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