The laws regarding property division in a divorce are complex. While most people think of these laws as pertaining only to assets, they also pertain to the division of debt because creditors won't go away simply because a couple divorces. Each debt is usually assigned...
New law makes Maryland gamblers cough up child support
A recently passed law will soon require Maryland gamblers who owe child support to pay up. Beginning Oct. 1, Maryland residents will have to report their earnings from gambling as part of their income. In effect, the bill that passed the Maryland General Assembly will...
Same-sex divorces will face same family law issues as others
Same-sex marriage is legal here in Maryland, but until very recently, neighboring Pennsylvania did not extend full legal protections to every couple. Now, divorce between same-sex couples is the next inevitable legal challenge those couples will face. In fact, there...
Judge determines that divorce documents are public record
Late last month, a judge refused to grant a motion from a party in a divorce to seal the records of those proceedings. At issue, was a request from Anne Arundel County Executive Laura Neuman to keep details of her divorce from her ex-husband Paul Volkman private....
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