Asking for a prenuptial agreement may not be something that excites you, but it could be a conversation that you want to have before tying the knot. Once you lay out your thoughts, it's much easier to get on the same page as your partner. Your goal is to ask your...
What to do if you can’t make your child support payments
Even though you take pride in making child support payments in full and on time, you never know what could happen in the future. If you run into financial trouble, you may find it difficult to keep up with these payments. If you're unable to make your child support...
Are you experiencing these signs of divorce?
Married couples go through rough spots every now and again. While some people are able to get back on track, others turn their attention to divorce. If you begin to experience some of the common signs of divorce, it's time to examine your situation with an eye toward...
Are you prepared for the emotional stages of divorce?
Once you decide to divorce, your outlook on the future may never be the same. While you're going through a rough patch, it's important to remember that you control your own destiny. Preparing for the emotional stages of divorce will help you deal with everything that...
How to defuse an argument with your co-parent
Even though there are ways to make the most of your co-parenting experience, there is no denying the fact that you'll face challenges. For example, arguing with your ex-spouse may become all too familiar. Fortunately, there are things you can do to defuse an argument...
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