Fathers in Maryland who are divorced or single may want to gain custody of their children. Although society has typically seen mothers as the primary caregivers, many fathers are just as worthy of having their kids in their custody. Here are ways they can do so. Pay...
Handling the business in a Maryland divorce
Maryland spouses who go into business together never think about what could happen if they choose to separate. It can be difficult to figure out the ins and outs of what will happen to the business as you’re going through a divorce. What usually happens to the...
Dealing with family members and custody
After deciding on a custody schedule in Maryland, both parties typically abide by the set times for picking up and dropping off children with the other parent. However, there could be times when family members try to interfere with the schedule. Here are a few things...
Will child support affect your food stamps in Maryland?
Child support affects your food stamps, whether you are the one paying or receiving. When you apply for food stamps, you have the option to apply individually or with your children. Nearly one-fifth of SNAP households with children receive child support....
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