A man in another state has been responsible for the support of a child that is not his for 13 years. The man claims that he has never seen the child nor talked to the child, yet he is, in the eyes of the state, considered to be $21,000 behind in child support...
Social Security can be garnished for child support in Maryland
The Social Security Administration offers a variety of benefits to Americans who are in need of financial assistance whether due to disability or low income. When the recipients of Social Security benefits are non-custodial parents, the parents who are expecting to...
Good communication can help children accept divorce
The best interests of the children should be at the forefront of parents' minds when explaining divorce to them. However, when Maryland parents decide to divorce, sometimes their own emotions are so overwhelming that they fail to communicate with their children about...
Maryland mediation can help divorcing spouses
Family law courts are usually the ones to make the final decisions regarding how spouses split their assets and even their time with their children when they divorce. However, mediation is often less costly, more effective and can lead to a final resolution more...
Child custody legislation may change in Maryland
In most states, legislation is on the books that dictates who is eligible for the custody of a child after a separation or a divorce. In Maryland, two lawmakers have introduced legislation that would take Maryland's child custody laws into the...
Law Office of Dawn M. Green,
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