The city manager for Ocean City, Maryland, is seeking a divorce from his wife after a string of domestic incidents. The woman reportedly accused him of violent behavior and threatening suicide, both of which contributed to the decision to split.
Officials report neither member of the couple came to a court hearing on May 17 to discuss allegations against the man. The woman claimed he had shoved her during a family trip to Florida earlier in the year. Instead, the man filed divorce paperwork on the same day at another legal facility across town.
Reports show the couple has lived apart since the second week of May. They state they have no intention of moving back in together, and their marriage is damaged beyond reconciliation. The woman had filed for a protective order against her husband on May 10 after he pushed her and climbed onto the roof of their vacation home, threatening to jump to his death. He reportedly pushed her after she told him she did not love him anymore.
The restraining order has since been vacated since both parties failed to attend the relevant hearing. The couple married in late 1989. They have four daughters: two in their 20s and two other teens, according to official reports. The man assumed the role of Ocean City city manager just over one year ago.
If your spouse has been exhibiting bizarre behavior that has caused you to worry for your own safety, consider seeking the counsel of a qualified family law attorney. These professionals can help you understand your legal options, up to and including divorce. You do not have to fight through the court system on your own; your lawyer can direct you through all stages of divorce proceedings. You do not have to suffer because of your spouse’s unacceptable treatment. Contact a local attorney for more information today.
Source:, “OC manager files for divorce following restraining order” Brian Shane, May. 23, 2013