When it comes to dealing with the fallout of a divorce, every person copes in a different way. One part of going through the different stages of divorce involves lying to ourselves to justify some of our actions or emotions. Experts explain that this self-deception can be extremely painful and harmful, especially during the remaining legal processes left during your split. Consider whether you are telling these lies about yourself.
First, it is important to acknowledge that you will definitely care about what happens to your ex. Even if you do not want to think about the person for the rest of your life, you will always have a bond to him or her. This experience might make you feel as though you never want to be in a romantic relationship again. Do not worry, those emotions will fade with time. You may feel like you hate dating now, but you will likely be interested in pursuing this activity farther down the line.
Experts also stress the importance of having a realistic perspective about your marriage. When you were married, every day was not miserable nor was it a walk in the park. The fact remains that you might have been miserable during some parts of your marriage, but you were happy during some periods, as well. Remembering the misery will help reinforce the necessity of breaking up with your spouse.
Finally, it is critical to remember your new life is full of potential and possibility. You may feel as though you totally love your new life, or you could feel jaded and confused. Remember your emotions are probably just running high throughout your divorce. You will soon come to terms with your new reality.
If you are seeking additional assistance during divorce, consider seeking the help of a qualified family attorney. These professionals can help you learn more about your rights and responsibilities in court, allowing you to maximize the outcome of your divorce proceedings.
www.huffingtonpost.com, “Coping with divorce: 20 lies divorced people tell themselves” Jackie Pilossoph, Jul. 19, 2013