With the holiday season over, for many in Maryland it is a prime time to think about ending an unhappy non-functioning marriage and making a new start in life. Studies have indicated that Internet search engines see a huge jump in searches for family law, child custody, divorce and similar terms in the January through March period at the start of the year. And January through March is also a busy period for divorce filings in many courts.
In January, decisions made before the holidays to investigate the possibility of filing for divorce, but put into temporary abeyance, are finally activated. Some postpone taking action in order not to interfere with family gatherings and celebrations. Others may simply think that it is tidier for economic and tax purposes to finish out the year and then make a clean break. A new year is all about renewal and new beginnings, after all, and many decide that achieving some chance for happiness in their personal life can no longer be postponed.
Experienced divorce attorneys know what you may be going through and are available to both lend a sympathetic ear and to give good advice as to how to proceed and take into account the many practical, financial, tax, and emotional issues that must be struggle with when a marriage ends, including such things as division of property, spousal support, child support, child custody, and visitation. Divorcing women may want to know the ins and outs of legally readopting their maiden names. Older people getting divorced may need to know how it will impact on Social Security benefits, including spousal benefits, or military or veterans’ benefits.
Source: CNN, “In January, ‘ex’ marks the spot” Sarah LeTrent, Jan. 17, 2014