If divorce is on the horizon, you may be scared about the amount of time and money it will cost. Rather than go down this path, it may be time to learn more about mediation.
As long as you and your former spouse are on the same page, you should feel free to give mediation a try. There is no guarantee that it will work, as it’s not the right strategy for everyone, but there are a few advantages to consider.
Above all else, mediation allows you to avoid the high stress and high pressure environment of court and litigation. With both parties more relaxed, it’s much easier to hash out the details in an attempt to reach a final and mutually beneficial settlement.
Furthermore, mediation is typically more cost effective than going to court, which is something that both parties should be excited about.
The goals of mediation are simple:
— To create a legally sound divorce agreement.
— To minimize tension.
— To ensure that both partners are able to express their opinion and concerns.
— To avoid the high cost of litigation.
— To move through the process in a time efficient manner.
Just because you get started with divorce mediation does not mean that you have to continue down this path. Even so, many people find that mediation allows them to more easily move through the process.
If you’re interested in mediation, you can still consult with an attorney. This is something you should definitely do, as you’ll still need legal guidance along the way.
Source: FindLaw, “Divorce Mediation – Overview,” accessed Oct. 27, 2016