Even if you aren’t going through the divorce process, you probably know the basics of alimony. In short, this is a monthly payment that one spouse makes to the other. Also known as spousal support, it is awarded as a means of bringing fairness to the financial impact of divorce.
As you move forward with the divorce process in Maryland, you may soon have questions related to alimony. Most importantly, you’ll ask one of the following:
— Is it possible for me to receive alimony?
— Is it possible that I may have to pay alimony as the result of the divorce settlement?
Every state is different with regard to its alimony requirements. For instance, you must have been married for a particular period of time. Along with this, the parties receiving alimony should be able to prove that they have limited work experience and education, meaning that they are unable to immediately return to the workforce to provide personal support.
There are alternatives to alimony. For example, in the event that a person does not want to make monthly payments, he or she may be able to pay all the support in one lump sum.
It doesn’t matter what side of the fence you sit on, as you go through divorce you’re going to have questions about alimony at some point. The more you know about this the easier it becomes to make informed decisions.
If you think you’re owed spousal support, you need to fight for your rights. Conversely, if you’re being asked to pay alimony, you also need to know what you can to do fight back.
Source: FindLaw, “Alimony,” accessed Oct. 05, 2016