Getting married is one of the biggest joys in life. While you never know what the future holds, it’s safe to assume that this will be a day that you remember forever.
While not the right approach for every couple, many find that a prenuptial agreement is a good idea.
There are many reasons why one or both people may want to create a prenuptial agreement, including the fact that there are assets to be protected in the event of a future divorce.
Here are some of the other reasons to use a prenuptial agreement:
— To protect one party from being responsible for the debt that the other brings into the marriage.
— To protect assets (as noted above).
— To simplify the division of property during a divorce.
As you can see, there are many good reasons to create a prenuptial agreement. However, there’s something to remember: This is not always easy to talk about.
If both parties are on board with the idea, it may be simple to move forward. But if one person wants a prenuptial agreement and the other person doesn’t know the first thing about this, it can be a challenge to discuss.
The best thing you can do is sit down with your partner, discuss the pros and cons of a prenuptial agreement, and make sure you are both on the same page.
Due to the legal complexities associated with a prenuptial agreement, give yourself enough time to create the document, review it with your partner, and make any necessary changes before tying the knot.
Source: FindLaw, “Prenuptial Agreements,” accessed Nov. 10, 2016