Are you going through a divorce? Are you concerned about matters of child custody?
Although there are sure to be challenges, you should remember one thing: A visitation schedule can make life much easier on you, your former spouse and your child.
Simply put, you need to work with your former spouse to settle on a visitation schedule that both of you are comfortable with. Once this is in place, it’s cut and dry as to where the child will spend time in the future.
There are many details to address in a visitation schedule, including but not limited to:
— Weekends. In short, this outlines where the child will spend time on the weekends.
— Holidays. Just the same as weekends, this touches on where the child will spend major holidays.
— Even and odd numbered years. You can use this approach to ensure that both parents get to spend special occasions with the child. For example, one parent may be with the child on his or her birthday on even numbered years.
— School vacation. Where will the child spend his or her school vacations?
— Vacation. This touches on any details associated with taking a vacation, such as during the summer months.
These are just a few of the many details to address in a visitation schedule. Fortunately, this type of arrangement can be customized to suit the needs of both parents and the child.
Since there is so much that goes into creating a sound visitation schedule, don’t wait to turn your attention to this detail.
Source: FindLaw, “Form to Establish a Visitation Schedule,” accessed April 11, 2017