While you may not have physical custody of your children, there’s a good chance you have visitation rights. Your visitation schedule allows you to spend some time together, but it may not be enough.
For this reason, you should learn more about virtual visitation.
As the name implies, this is a type of visitation that allows you to connect with your children through the use of technology, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, text messaging and email.
There are many situations in which virtual visitation makes sense, including but not limited to:
- If you simply want to spend more time communicating with your children
- If you live far away and are unable to see your children face-to-face as much as you would like
- In the event that you have to cancel scheduled visitation, such as the result of being out of town or dealing with an illness
If you’re interested in virtual visitation, it’s best to discuss this with your soon-to-be ex-spouse during the divorce process. Not only does this allow you to get on the same page, but it also provides the opportunity to add it to your parenting agreement.
Of course, you can also discuss virtual visitation with your ex after your divorce, as they may be more than willing to agree to a schedule that works for them, you and your children.
Some of the many ways to use virtual visitation include:
- To help a child with a homework assignment
- To watch an event, such as a recital, live
- To read your child a story
- To see a child unwrap a gift or tell you a story about their day
The one thing you want to always remember is that virtual visitation is not a replacement for face-to-face visits. Instead, it’s meant to act as a supplement, which allows you to better communicate with and connect with your children.
If you feel that your ex is holding you back from spending time with your children, it’s time to take action. Review your parenting agreement and visitation schedule, explain your concerns and make note of your legal rights. You don’t want to miss out on any time you could share with your children.