One of the hardest parts of divorce can be the incessant intrusion of unwanted memories in your home. Having to walk past happy marriage photos or an ex-spouse’s belongings can be emotionally trying for Maryland divorcé(e)s, but many find that simply cleaning, redecorating and otherwise reclaiming their living space can make them more confident about their newly single lives and give them the courage to handle any of the repercussions of divorce.
You should avoid throwing away or donating a spouse’s clothes, tools, books and other possessions if you are still in the middle of your divorce; a Maryland court will likely divide up marital property between you and your husband or wife to ensure that each spouse receives an equitable share. However, it can be helpful to box up such items and keep them in a storage room or garage. Some divorcé(e)s describe destroying photographs of their former husbands or wives and replacing them with images of family and friends, which they look to for support in times of stress of uncertainty.
Some individuals recovering from divorce find that more drastic change is needed to help them overcome their painful memories. Try repainting rooms, rearranging furniture and swapping out old clothes or trying out a completely new wardrobe. Some divorcé(e)s find that recruiting a friend who can encourage them to throw out or give away old belongings can keep them from being stuck in the past.
While binging on new purchases is never a healthy coping mechanism, reinventing yourself may help you discover how fulfilling your new life can be. In addition to changing your home, you may also consider buying a piece of jewelry to replace your marriage ring or even having it reset or cast into a new piece to symbolize your new life.
Source: Huffington Post, “The Joy Of Nesting,” Marcy Miller, March 25, 2013