Are you required to pay child support? Have you been good about making on time payments in full every month?
If so, you hope that this will continue well into the future. However, you know that something could happen that could change your approach. For example, you may run into financial difficulties that make it a challenge to stay on track in the future.
If you find yourself in this position, it’s time to learn more about requesting a child support modification. You never know if the court will agree to this, but you have to go through the process anyway. Here are some tips to follow:
— Don’t delay. You should set the wheels in motion as soon as you realize you need to request a modification.
— Learn more. Do you know how to request a child support modification in your state?
— Reach out to the other parent. You may be able to work something out without heading to court. This would work in the favor of both parties.
— Don’t slip too far behind. Even if you are unable to make payments in full, pay as much as you can.
— File the necessary paperwork with the court.
There are many reasons why you may need to request a child support modification, including a job loss or serious illness.
As long as you have good reason for doing this and as long as you know what the process entails, you can move forward. Soon enough, you’ll have a clear idea of whether your modification request has been approved.
Source: FindLaw, “Child Support Modification Tips,” accessed Feb. 16, 2017