As the divorce process comes to an end, you will begin to look toward the future. For many people, this means one thing: moving to a different part of the country.
If you don’t have children, you can move anywhere you want without asking permission. However, if you have at least one child with your ex-spouse, there are some things you need to consider.
— Will you be relocating with your child? If you have physical custody of your child, he or she may be moving with you. However, the other parent could oppose this, as it could impact their ability to visit with the child in the future.
— Where are you moving? Generally speaking, distance comes into play when relocating with a child. There is a big difference between moving 20 miles and 200 miles.
— Have you talked to the other parent? Rather than bring the court into the equation, you may be able to work out some of the finer details with your former spouse. For example, he or she may approve of you relocating with the child.
These are the types of questions that come into play if you want to relocate with a child after going through divorce.
There is no way of knowing how things will shake out, so you need to better understand the laws associated with relocation. When you know what to expect, including how the court will look at your situation, you’re in better position to make decisions that will work in your favor.
Note: In the end, you always need to think about what is best for your child.
Source: FindLaw, “Moving & Child Custody: 3 Important Questions,” accessed March 28, 2017