When it comes to matters of child custody and visitation, the court takes many factors into consideration.
To start, the court will always focus on the best interest of the child. With this in mind, some of the factors used to determine child custody and visitation schedules include:
— The overall fitness of the parents to raise the child.
— The relationship between the child and both parents.
— The possibility that custody could disrupt the child’s education and/or social life.
— The occupation of each parent, including employment demands.
— The sex, health and age of the child.
— The preference of the child.
While all of these factors are extremely important, others could come into play along the way. For example, if one parent has a history of alcohol or drug abuse, the court will look down upon this when making a child custody determination.
As a parent dealing with matters of child custody and visitation, it’s important to understand the factors the court will take into consideration when making a final decision.
Along with this, never forget one thing: The court has an obligation to do whatever is in the best interest of the child. While you may not agree with this, it’s important to get on board with the idea that your child is more important than anything else.
At our law firm, we know the ins and outs of child custody and visitation. For this reason, we’ve helped many parents understand the court system and how to make decisions that work in their favor.