There are many challenges associated with the divorce process. For example, you may be concerned about the cost and time associated with litigation.
Fortunately, you have other options. Through an alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation, you may be able to work through all your differences without appearing in court.
It’s hard to fully understand the reasons to consider mediation until you actually learn more about the benefits. Some of the reasons why this is growing in popularity include:
— No time spent in court, which makes the process much less stressful
— Less money out of your own pocket
— The ability to have more control over the situation
— Helps keep hostility to a minimum
— You still have the opportunity to work side by side with a family law attorney
At our law firm, we know that there are times when litigation is the only way to get to the bottom of a problem. We also know that many divorcing couples have been able to work through their differences via an alternative dispute resolution process.
If you are moving forward with divorce and wondering what the future will bring, don’t hesitate to learn more about all your options.
Mediation may not be something you consider at first, but as long as both individuals are okay with the idea, it’s something to look into. There is no guarantee that this will end the way that you want, but there is nothing wrong with giving it a try. With so many benefits, it could be just what you need to feel better about your divorce case.